Archiv Februar 2019

27.02.2019, 00:02 von Christian Cargnelli

Song of the Week (329)

Bachman-Turner Overdrive: "Hey You" (1975)

Partykracher. No. 1 in Canada.

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20.02.2019, 00:15 von Christian Cargnelli

Song of the Week (328)

The Runaways: "Lovers" (1976)

Fabulous rocker from their classic debut album The Runaways.

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13.02.2019, 00:06 von Christian Cargnelli

Song of the Week (327)

The Darkness: "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" (2003)

Glorious last gasp of metal glam (or glam metal, for that matter).

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06.02.2019, 00:14 von Christian Cargnelli

Song of the Week (326)

Sisters Love: "Give Me Your Love" (1973)

The pinnacle of disco soul.

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